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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

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Blenhein Primary School




Hello families! A warm welcome to the Year 5 area of the Sheringham website!

Below you'll find information on the curriculum for this term and your child's PE days. 

 What are Year 5 learning about in Summer term?



Throughout our writing this term, Year 5 children will be embarking on an exciting journey through various genres of writing, delving into worlds of fantasy, history and non-fiction biographies. Our children will be embracing their imagination by writing:

  • A fantasy narrative
  • Historically set story (based on our previous learning on the Islamic Golden Age)
  • Biography
  • Alternative fairy-tale. 

Our fantasy narrative will get children to focus on transporting their reader to realms of magic and wonder, where they will be able to craft their own tales filled with creatures, epic quests and enchanting landscapes. Through this genre, children will learn to develop vivid settings, dynamic characters and engaging plot-lines.

Great readers become great writers, so make sure you are reading inspiring texts to spark your imagination and gather new vocabulary to use in your writing.


During maths this term, our Year 5 mathematicians will be continuing their learning on decimals, before moving on to looking at percentages. Lots of practice converting percentages, to decimals, to fractions (and back again) will help them hugely with their understanding. Allow your child time to practise their use of money as well, linking their knowledge of decimals to everyday real life situations, like buying something at a shop and working out the total or change given.

After this, the children will be moving onto geometry in maths, learning about different types of angles and how to work out the missing angles on a line and in various different shapes. 

Also this term, Year 5 will be learning measurement and volume. Children will be using lots of different strategies and methods of understanding, through using concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract equations. You could do even more work at home by measuring the capacity of containers around the house or measuring furniture for rooms etc. 

As with any maths unit having secure foundations such as times table knowledge and number bonds will ensure our mathematicians are confident and successful throughout the year - daily practise on BBC Bitesize, Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars will support this.


In our reading lessons, the children will be focussing on working collaboratively in reciprocal reading groups where the children will have rich discussions about a range of texts (both fiction and non-fiction). Within their groups, they will also be continuing to build on their roles of leader reader, summariser, clarifier and questioner.

As a class, we will be reading the classic text of ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’, which includes themes of friendship and survival. Following this, we will be reading the short texts of ‘Varmints’ and ‘Under the Weather’, which both explore environmental issues in their own unique way. 

Please remember to read for 10 minutes every day with an adult and complete your R@Homebook every week.



Welcome to Year 5 Science! In science this term, we will embark on an exciting exploration of the natural world, focusing on ‘Living Things and their Habitats’, with a special emphasis on animals, including humans. Our curriculum is designed to foster curiosity, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all living organisms. 

Through engaging lessons and interactive activities, students will develop essential ‘working scientifically’ skills such as:

  • Observation
  • Classification
  • Data analysis
  • Scientific inquiry. 

They will also learn to: 

  • Ask questions
  • Make predictions and form hypotheses
  • Draw evidence-based conclusions.


Religious Education

During our RE learning this term, our Year 5 children will be looking at “What inner forces affect us?”. They will explore a range of traditional religious stories, such as:

  • ‘The Story of Adam and Eve’
  • ‘The Story of Jonah’
  • ‘The Story of Bilal’
  • ‘The Story of Buddha'

Our children will then be encouraged to look for different levels of meaning through the texts, before applying what they have learnt to their own experiences.



During our PE lessons with the class teacher, the children will engage in team sports like hockey and dodgeball, fostering communication, leadership, and teamwork abilities. As the term progresses, we'll gear up for sports day, honing skills and participating in various track and field competitions.

Good daily habits such as eating a balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise and getting enough sleep will support your child’s health and fitness. Getting active together and involving your child in food preparation will also be beneficial for the whole family.



This term the topics within Jigsaw are Relationships and Changing Me, where children will be exploring the concepts of friendships, maintaining positive peer relationships, and embracing personal growth and change (including puberty).



During our second geography unit this year, students will explore various 'biomes' found worldwide, including tundra and rainforests, while investigating the unique ecosystems thriving in each geographic region. This exploration will encompass essential skills such as locational and place knowledge, human and physical geography, as well as geographical skills and fieldwork.


DT (Cooking

In design and technology, our budding Year 5 chefs will be learning about the key components of a healthy meal and the impact that nutrition has on their life. Guided by a design brief, the children will create and plan balanced meals, drawing insights from the "EatWell Guide" to enrich their comprehension. Following this, students will assess their creations, offering suggestions for enhancing taste and texture, thereby refining their culinary skills.



Expanding on our geography studies of biomes, our Year 5 artists will embark on creating their own biome scenes, incorporating diverse flora and fauna from various global biomes. Throughout this topic, students will delve into drawing and painting techniques this term, where they'll have the opportunity to select a drawing style, choose appropriate media, and employ a variety of techniques for specific artistic objectives. Moreover, they will have the freedom to experiment with techniques that convey movement, perspective, shadows, and reflections, all fostered through a process of exploration and creativity.

P.E Days

Please come to school wearing you P.E kit (jogging bottoms/leggings/white t-shirt, jumper and trainers) . Take note of the weather and make sure you dress appropriately for P.E.

Helpful Links:

  • Develop your maths skills through  Mathletics or Times Tables Rock Stars and fact fluency level you are on. If you have a 123 Maths log in, make sure you log on and practise key maths skills.
  • Practise your spelling by clicking on year 5 and 6, choose the spelling rule, play free games and write sentences with spelling words.
  • Log into your DuoLingo account for Spanish
  • Computing - Touch typing / Create a new game on Scratch
  • Don't forget there are also lots more fun activities on our subject pages!



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