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Blenhein Primary School

Sheringham Primary School Newsletter

Friday, June 28th 2024

BBC Symphony Orchestra

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to be visited by percussionists from the BBC Symphony Orchestra. We enjoyed listening to some of the music from ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ and ‘Kung Fu Panda’ and showed off our knowledge about the parts of an orchestra. It was such a great opportunity to develop our children’s experiences. 

“They were so talented..” Keisy 3R

‘They were amazing. I got to conduct the orchestra! I was nervous but also excited!’ Kelvin 6B


Sheringham Share Shop

A big thank you to everyone who has donated toys and clothes to our Share Shop. With community day around the corner, we need your help. We are asking for donations of clean, good-condition clothes (these can be for children, babies or adults) and toys. If you have any of these items that are too small or unwanted, please donate them in our yellow donation box in the reception area at the front of the school. Please make sure items are clean and have no damage or stains on them.

Community and Cultural Day, next Friday 5th June

Families are invited into school to celebrate from 2:45-4:30 pm. Feel free to wear something representing your culture to celebrate our wonderful, diverse school community. Bring along some money for our stalls and activities. We hope to see many of you there!


Reception into Year 1 Transition Workshop

We will be hosting this workshop for Reception parents to explain the transition for your child into Year 1. This will be held on 3rd July in the hall from 8:55am.  Please do come.



This is a reminder that all year-long and six-week clubs are now finished. The Culture Club, which explored henna and West African dance (amongst other topics) are hoping the club returns in September! 

‘I liked this club because I learned about lots of cultures from around the world. It was different!’  Maha 6Mc

Morning Football Clubs will run next week, this will be the final week.


Mobile Phone Thefts

There have been a few reports from parents of mobile phones being pickpocketed in the local area at hometime. Please be vigilant and ensure they are safely put away. 


Year 5 Mathletics Superstars 

One of our dedicated and hardworking Year 5 mathematicians, Harsan Ranjithkumar (5M) has shown excellent perseverance in Mathletics this year. He has spent many hours solving problems, improving his skills and earning numerous certificates, until he finally received a ‘Legend’ certificate. Not only has he achieved this prestigious Legend status, he has also earned another 6 certificates in this category taking him to the maximum level on all of Mathletics, ‘Legend VI’. Harsan’s hardwork and determination has well and truly paid off! 

A huge well done to all our Year 5 mathematicians over the course of the year, including other ‘Hall of Fame’ superstars, Yahya. D and Alishba. They have all engaged so much in their home learning on Mathletics and this shows a real resilience and passion for learning!