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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Blenhein Primary School



Welcome to Year 1!

Below you'll find information on the curriculum for this term.   


Your child will have 2 PE sessions a week. One with their class teacher and another with our PE specialist. Please check your child’s PE day and ensure they are dressed in appropriate PE uniform on these days (jogging bottoms/leggings/white t-shirt, jumper and trainers)

PE days

1G: Monday and Thursday

1P and 1F : Monday and Friday




 In phonics children will continue to learn sounds, following the RWI programme. They will use these sounds to read books appropriate to their reading level. 

In addition to daily phonics lessons we shall also be sharing a class story with the children every day. It is really important that children become familiar with quality texts as this supports their comprehension and language development. We will also support the children's reading by having reading eggs available in the classrooms. 


Each Friday, children will bring home a phonics book and a book from the class library for you to share at home. You can also use the Reading Eggs programme to support your children’s learning. Please record any reading you do with your child in their R@homebook.


article from Oxford Owl. 


In English, we will continue to read high quality texts to engage children and spark their imagination. We will use these books as a stimulus for writing, drama and artwork, with a strong focus on developing language and a good sentence structure. 

This term, children will learn about instructions, firstly by following instructions to make toast. We will then use this experience to teach the features of instructional writing.

We will also continue to focus on:

  • Developing handwriting skills (including focussing on children’s: posture, pencil, paper and grip)
  • Vocabulary (preposition and imperative verbs) 
  • Using phonics to support spelling when writing
  • Writing descriptively and using adjectives in our writing
  • Punctuation (full stops, capital letters and question marks


Our maths learning will focus on:

  • Addition and subtraction within 20
  • Height and length 
  • Position 
  • Numbers to 40

We will then use what we have learned to help us to solve addition and subtraction word problems.


During our topic ‘Life 100 years ago’, children will be learning to:

  • To understand the concept of the past and recount changes and events in their own lives.
  • To ask and answer historical questions using different sources of information e.g. talking to people, analysing pictures and objects.
  • To recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted in the way they did.

The children will also go on a trip to the V & A Museum of Childhood to explore and learn about toys from the past.


During Jigsaw lessons, through discussions and in small group work, children will look at the themes ‘Dreams & Goals’ and ‘Healthy Me’. In Spring 1, children will be learning about setting goals and overcoming challenges and obstacles. After the February half term we will cover ‘Healthy Me’. During this unit the children will learning about the following topics: 

  • Healthy and unhealthy
  • Healthy choices
  • Clean and healthy
  • Medicine safety
  • Road safety
  • Healthy and happy 



Through our topic ‘plants’ we will be learning: 

  • To identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.
  • To identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees e.g. roots, stem, trunk, branches leaves, flowers, petals, bulb, seed.

The children will visit West Ham park where they will be able to see a variety of trees and flowers.


In our art topic collage children will learn:

  • To begin to  fold, crumple, tear and overlap papers to create an image.
  • To arrange and glue materials to different backgrounds

We will be studying the artist Jeannie Baker and making a collage of a Jungle using different materials.