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Blenhein Primary School

Welcome to Year 3

Below is information about what your child will be learning this term. Every Friday you'll also find homework for your child to practise over the course of the week.  

 PE Days

Your child will have 2 PE sessions a week. One with their class teacher and another with our PE specialist. Please check your child’s PE day and ensure they are dressed in appropriate PE uniform on these days (jogging bottoms/leggings/white t-shirt, jumper and trainers)

Each class will have their PE lessons on:

3G (Ms Goss) 3R (Ms Russell) 3M (Ms Muldoon)
Monday + Tuesday  Monday + Tuesday  Monday + Tuesday 

Summer Curriculum


During the Summer term your child will be continuing to use a range of reading strategies that will support them in their reading mileage as well as their understanding of what they have read. They will be reading a range of nonfiction and fictional texts. 

Children will be practising and revisiting the following strategies in their reading lessons: 

  • Retrieval
  • Making Connections
  • Clarifying
  • Summarising
  • Inferring
  • Predicting 
  • Questioning


Reading @home

We will continue to work on our reading habits, encouraging all children to change their books regularly and bring their Rhomebooks in everyday. We encourage every child to read at home everyday for 10 minutes at least and record it in their R@home book. Children will also have access to their Reading Eggs accounts, where they can access online books and practise comprehension questions.


In writing we will be looking at a range of writing text types this term: 

  • stories with a clear dilemma 
  • non-chronological reports
  • legends/quest stories 

Within these texts they will be continuing to focus on:

  • putting their full stops in correctly
  • using capital letters to start a sentence, for proper nouns and I 
  • using fronted adverbials
  • using a range of simple and compound sentences
  • using commas within a list
  • using and punctuating direct speech



We will continue to teach children both print and cursive writing depending on where each individual child is at with their handwriting. Handwriting lessons will be taught at least 2-3 times weekly.


During this term we will be learning about the following maths topics: 

Time:  Children will start by telling the time using a.m and p.m, telling the time to the minute, using analogue and digital time and telling time by using  both the minute and hour hands. After this has been mastered, students will learn 24 hour time. Then they will measure and compare time in seconds, minutes and hours and find start and end times. 

Pictograms and Bar Graphs: Pupils will be creating a number of different pictograms where the pictures can represent more than one item. They will learn to create bar graphs as well as read and interpret the information from them. 

Fractions: Students will begin by counting in tenths and then understanding fractions as division. Then they will move on to finding fractions of whole numbers as part of a set. Children will explore equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions and comparing fractions with different denominators. Word problems on fractions will be the final lessons. 

Angles: Children will explore angles by making and finding angles in shapes, then learn how to name certain angles (right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles). 

Lines and Shapes: Pupils will explore different types of lines in addition to properties of shapes, both 2D and 3D. They will identify perpendicular, parallel, horizontal and vertical lines. Children move onto describing 2D shapes 

Perimeter of Figures: Pupils will begin the unit by measuring the total length around a shape before moving onto grid paper to measure the combined lengths of each side. They will also calculate the perimeter by adding all of the lengths together, and ending with calculating the perimeter of a rectangle with unknown sides that need to be determined. 

Children will also be given time to practise previous learning 2-3 times a week within a quadrant as well as consolidating their numbers to 20, four times a week.


Throughout the term and year, we will also be working on a range of basic fluency skills, where children will be practising their number facts such as:

  • Counting on in 4s, 8s, 50s and 100s
  • Partitioning numbers to 1000 to support addition and subtraction 
  • Mentally adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers by looking at hundreds, tens and ones
  • Mental addition and subtraction with 2 digits where the answer exceeds 100
  • Recalling 3, 4 and 8 times table and connecting through doubling

We use https://play.ttrockstars.com/ to help with times tables practice. You can find your child's log in on the front cover of their homework book. 

Jigsaw PSHE

 Summer 1: Unit title - Relationships 

This unit will include the following lessons: 

  1. Family roles and responsibilities - addressing stereotypes of household jobs and that all genders are capable of completing any chores. 
  2. Friendships - how to be a good friend, how to resolve conflict, take turns and be a good listener.
  3. Keeping safe online - strategies and tips for keeping themselves safe online. Children will also discuss who they can talk to if they are worried or concerned about anything online.
  4. Being a global citizen 1 - children will learn about how some of the actions and work of people around the world help and influence their lives, specifically looking at people around the world. 
  5. Being a global citizen 2 - children will learn about how their needs and rights are shared with children all around the world and can identify how their lives may be different to others. They will learn how to empathise with children whose lives are different and  appreciate what they might learn from them. 
  6. Celebrating my web of relationships - Students will be learning how to express my appreciation to their friends and family and how to enjoy being a part of a family and friendship groups. 


Summer 2: Changing Me (RSE)


  1. How babies grow - Children will learn about animals and humans having lots of changes from birth to fully grown and that in mammals, it is the female that has the baby. 
  2. Babies - Understanding how babies grow and develop in the mother’s uterus and what a baby needs to live and grow. 
  3. Outside body changes - Children will understand that boys’ and girls’ bodies need to change so that when they grow up their bodies can make babies. They will learn about how boys and girls bodies change on the outside during this growing up process. 
  4. Inside body changes - They will identify how boys’ and girls’ bodies change on the inside during the growing up process and can say why these changes are necessary so that their bodies can make babies when they grow up. 
  5. Family stereotypes - they will learn to recognise stereotypical ideas they might have about parenting and family roles. 
  6. Looking ahead - They will be reflecting on what they are looking forward to when they move to their next class.



This term in science, your child will be learning about Plants and Animals (including humans). 

Children will be learning: 


To identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.

To explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.

To investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.

To explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.



To identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.

To identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.


During Spring 2, children will learn a variety of skills so that they can enjoy playing a game of badminton with their peers! These skills include: 

  • holding a racquet correctly
  • developing hand eye coordination skills with a racquet and a shuttlecock
  • practise the forehand and backhand swing technique
  • to hit the shuttlecock over the net 
  • how to hit the shuttlecock with power and accuracy
  • to hit the shuttlecock into a big space (to try and win) 



From 20-24th May children will have 4-5 swimming lessons at Atherton Leisure Centre.

Religious Education

Unit Title: How does Jesus and Buddha make people stop and think?

During this unit, children will learn about some stories that Jesus and Buddha told to their followers and how they impacted their daily lives. We will also look at religious and non-religious sayings that reflect morals and values. 

Children will be given an opportunity at the end to reflect on their own morals, stories and sayings that make others stop and think.



Summer 1 Unit: Drawing 

To study the work of other artists and begin to talk about the techniques they have used and the effects they create.

To say what they like and dislike about the work of artists/sculptors.

To plan and annotate work, beginning to think about techniques that will be used.

To select different materials including pencils, chalk, charcoal, pastels, to create a desired outcome.

To use space, composition and proportion with increasing accuracy.

To use shading (pressure or pencil types) to show light and shadow.

To use hatching to show tone and texture.

Summer 2 Unit: Collage

To select appropriate types of paper to create different textures.

To select the most appropriate adhesive in embellishing, using more advanced joining techniques.


Information about weekly homework can be found on your child's Google Classroom and in their red homework book. If you have any questions, please contact the school office on Info@sheringham.lihtrust.uk.