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Blenhein Primary School


welcome to Year 6!



What are Year 6 learning in Summer?


This term, Year 6 children will be sitting the KS2 SATs tests in the week beginning 13th May.

We also have lots of wonderful activities to enjoy in the Summer term such as: sports day, a celebration in the park, the end of year performance and a special Year 6 leavers’ assembly.



Our learners will be completing class novel studies which include some fantastic books such as Holes and Skelling. The children will be exploring the themes and participating in rich dialogue about the characters. They will also be completing extended pieces of writing based on these novels.

We will also be encouraging our Y6’s to continue to read everyday for at least 10 minutes. Not only is reading so enjoyable but it also helps us become great writers, so make sure you are reading inspiring texts to spark your imagination and expose you to new vocabulary to use in your own writing.


Our mathematicians will be revisiting concepts from the year and ensuring they have a secure knowledge before heading off to secondary school. As part of the transition program, we will be delivering a series of maths sessions designed by the local secondary schools to give our Year 6 pupils a small sample of what next year involves.

Having secure foundations such as times table knowledge and number bonds will ensure our mathematicians will be confident and successful into the future - daily practice on BBC bitesize, Mathletics and Times Table Rock Stars will support this.


In the Summer Term, our athletes will begin to brush up on their athletic ability in time for our sports day. Running, jumping and throwing events will be mastered by the day! We will also be dancing our way through this term and linking it to the end of year performance.

Good daily habits such as a balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise and getting enough sleep will support their health and fitness. Getting active together and involving your child in food preparation is beneficial for the whole family.


This term the topics within Jigsaw are Relationships and Changing Me where our citizens will explore the themes of friendship, how to maintain healthy relationships with peers and how to accept and understand the changes that they will be experiencing themselves.


Our designers will be practising their back stitch and running stitch in a textiles unit. Pupils will have to decide on the suitability of materials for their chosen design before sewing it together and evaluating if it is fit for purpose.


We will be looking at the impact of the British Empire and how it still affects the way we live today. We are going to learn about HM Windrush, Britain's links to South Asia, links between the empire and slavery and the end of the empire. 


Year 6 scientists will be learning about evolution, adaptations and inheritance. We will look at how different animals have evolved and adapted to suit their environment and how certain characteristics are inherited from our parents. This science unit will also include the Year 6 RSE unit.